

Believed to have originated in Syria, Angelica is now found just about everywhere. In ancient times it was used to ward off the plague and evil and as a cure for poison and… well, just about everything else.

Angelica is believed to have magical attributes. It is associated with the angels Michael and Gabriel. Angelica is aligned with the sun and the element of fire and sacred to Venus.

Angelica is commonly used for general protection, especially against evil spirits and hex-breaking as well as general blessing and is especially useful for the defense of women. It has also been used as a talisman to increase luck in gambling.

The raw material with valuable properties is the root of Angelica. Biokoma Angelica Root may strengthen the body’s immunity, regulate digestion and may have a relaxing effect.

– Pure product without any additives
– Resealable moisture proof pouch
– Contains vitamins B12, fructose, glucose, magnesium, iron, potassium, thiamin, sucrose, zinc and trace minerals
– May stimulate appetite and improve digestion
– May maintain a hormonal balance
– May help with menstrual problems

Angelica Archangelica

Country of Origin:

If you’re interested, the product is available here.

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